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Friday, 10 February 2017

Things You Should Know About Before You Get Chickens

Hey fans! Eva back again

Today my aim is to help those considering getting chickens to make the right decision. There is nothing worse than getting a pet and then not taking proper care of it!

  • If you are considering getting chickens, make sure you get more than one! they are very social animals and need company
  • A rooster is not necessary unless you want fertilised eggs
  • Roosters can be vicious if not surrounded by at least 5 females, try not to have two roosters in the same coop
  • Chickens can be loud, be prepared for a lot of squawking and other chicken noises!!
  • Chickens poo A LOT. you must change their bedding at least twice a week in order to keep a healthy environment for them. You should also ensure that they are healthy by examining their excretions under a microscope to look for worms
  • Chickens love to dig. Be prepared to have holes in your coop! if you plan on letting chickens roam free around your garden make sure to be ready for holes :(
  • Chickens usually live up till they are about 10. Make sure you are ready to take care of them for all this time. If you don't plan on keeping your chickens after egg production slows make sure you re-home them or kill them and eat them in a humane way.
  • Chickens can become hill and also need veterinary care. Chicken vets can be expensive as there is so few. However, chickens can be cured often through home remedies. Websites such as gives many helpful tips. Video tutorials on YouTube are also very good. you can look at a video I put in my first blog post as a reference to a good chicken home remedy.
  • All chickens have different personalities. They are just like humans and you must adjust to their different personality types.
I know recently I have been putting many lists in my blog, I think lists are an effective way of getting my point across. Credit for the great facts about chickens goes to

Sadly this is my last blog post, I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Thanks for reading,
Eva X

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Fun Chicken Facts

Hey Guys, Me again :)

Today I'm going to give you 15 fun facts about chickens.
  1. Chickens have an excellent memory! They can remember up to 100 different faces of both people and animals
  2. When chickens they dream just like humans do
  3. They can see all colours (unlike other animals)
  4. There are over 25 billion chickens in the world that is more than 3 times the amount of humans
  5. Similar to dogs, chickens love playing
  6. Mother hens turn their eggs up to 50 times everyday.
  7. The most amount of eggs laid by one hen in 24 hours is 7!!!!!
  8. Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens
  9. Chickens cannot taste sweetness however, they can taste saltiness
  10.  When chickens are stressed the lose feathers
  11. A chickens beak can bleed
  12. The most amount of yolks found in one egg is 9!
  13. Chickens are 75% water! A human is 60% water :0
  14. Chickens make different noises for different things, each noise means something specific
  15. The oldest chicken is 22 years old her name is Muffy
I hope you learned something new from these super cool facts. All credit goes to for their excellent info on chickens! It is definitely a go to website if you ever need help with chickens.

That's all for this week bye x